miércoles, 23 de diciembre de 2009
sábado, 19 de diciembre de 2009
domingo, 13 de diciembre de 2009
viernes, 9 de octubre de 2009
sábado, 3 de octubre de 2009
jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009
I'm taking a moment just imaginin' that I'm dancin' with you
I'm your pole and all you're wearing is your shoes
You got soul, you know what to do to turn me on until I write a
song about you
And you have your own engaging style
And you've got the knack to vivify
And you make my slacks a little tight, you may unfasten them if
you like
That's if you crash and spend the night
But you don't fold, you don't fade
You've got everything you need, especially me
Sister you've got it all
You make the call to make my day
In your message say my name
Your talk is all the talk, sister you've got it all
Curl your upper lip up and let me look around
Ride your tongue along your bottom lip and bite down
And bend your back and ask those hips if I can touch
Because they're the perfect jumping off point of getting
closer to your
Well you float on by
Oh kiss me with your eyelashes tonight
Or Eskimo your nose real close to mine
And let's mood the lights and finally make it right
But you don't fold, you don't fade, you've got everything you need
Especially me
Sister you've got it all
You make the call to make my day
In you message say my name
Your talk is all the talk sister you've got it all
You've got it all, you've got it all, you've got it all [2x]
You've got it all, you've got it all
Doll I need to see you pull your knee socks up
Let me feel you up side, down slide, in slide, out slide, over here
Climb in my mouth now child
Butterfly, well you landed on my mind
Dammit you landed on my ear and then you crawled inside
Now I see you perfectly behind closed eyes
I wanna fly with you and I don't wanna lie to you
Cause I, cause I can't recall a better days
I'm coming to shine on the occasion
You're an open minded lady
You've got it all
And I never forget a face
If I'm making my own
I have my days
Let's face the fact here, it's you that's got it all
You know that fortune favors the brave
Well let me get paid while I make you breakfast
The rest is up to you, you make the call
You make the call to make my day
In your message say my name
Your talk is all the talk, sister you've got it all
Cause I can't recall a better day
I'm coming to shine on the occasion
You're a sophisticated lady, oh you've got it all
You've got it all, you've got it all, you've got it all [3x]
You've got it all, you've got it all:.
Butterfly, baby, well you've got it all
I'm your pole and all you're wearing is your shoes
You got soul, you know what to do to turn me on until I write a
song about you
And you have your own engaging style
And you've got the knack to vivify
And you make my slacks a little tight, you may unfasten them if
you like
That's if you crash and spend the night
But you don't fold, you don't fade
You've got everything you need, especially me
Sister you've got it all
You make the call to make my day
In your message say my name
Your talk is all the talk, sister you've got it all
Curl your upper lip up and let me look around
Ride your tongue along your bottom lip and bite down
And bend your back and ask those hips if I can touch
Because they're the perfect jumping off point of getting
closer to your
Well you float on by
Oh kiss me with your eyelashes tonight
Or Eskimo your nose real close to mine
And let's mood the lights and finally make it right
But you don't fold, you don't fade, you've got everything you need
Especially me
Sister you've got it all
You make the call to make my day
In you message say my name
Your talk is all the talk sister you've got it all
You've got it all, you've got it all, you've got it all [2x]
You've got it all, you've got it all
Doll I need to see you pull your knee socks up
Let me feel you up side, down slide, in slide, out slide, over here
Climb in my mouth now child
Butterfly, well you landed on my mind
Dammit you landed on my ear and then you crawled inside
Now I see you perfectly behind closed eyes
I wanna fly with you and I don't wanna lie to you
Cause I, cause I can't recall a better days
I'm coming to shine on the occasion
You're an open minded lady
You've got it all
And I never forget a face
If I'm making my own
I have my days
Let's face the fact here, it's you that's got it all
You know that fortune favors the brave
Well let me get paid while I make you breakfast
The rest is up to you, you make the call
You make the call to make my day
In your message say my name
Your talk is all the talk, sister you've got it all
Cause I can't recall a better day
I'm coming to shine on the occasion
You're a sophisticated lady, oh you've got it all
You've got it all, you've got it all, you've got it all [3x]
You've got it all, you've got it all:.
Butterfly, baby, well you've got it all
Jason Mraz
miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2009
viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2009
domingo, 20 de septiembre de 2009
viernes, 18 de septiembre de 2009
jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2009
sábado, 12 de septiembre de 2009
jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2009
martes, 8 de septiembre de 2009
miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2009
My friend came to me, with sadness in his eyes
He told me that he wanted help
Before his country dies
Although I couldn't feel the pain, I knew I had to try
Now I'm asking all of you
To help us save some lives
Bangla Desh, Bangla Desh
Where so many people are dying fast
And it sure looks like a mess
I've never seen such distress
Now won't you lend your hand and understand
Relieve the people of Bangla Desh
Bangla Desh, Bangla Desh
Such a great disaster - I don't understand
But it sure looks like a mess
I've never known such distress
Now please don't turn away, I want to hear you say
Relieve the people of Bangla Desh
Relieve Bangla Desh
Bangla Desh, Bangla Desh
Now it may seem so far from where we all are
It's something we can't neglect
It's something I can't neglect
Now won't you give some bread to get the starving fed
We've got to relieve Bangla Desh
Relieve the people of Bangla Desh
We've got to relieve Bangla Desh
Relieve the people of Bangla Desh
He told me that he wanted help
Before his country dies
Although I couldn't feel the pain, I knew I had to try
Now I'm asking all of you
To help us save some lives
Bangla Desh, Bangla Desh
Where so many people are dying fast
And it sure looks like a mess
I've never seen such distress
Now won't you lend your hand and understand
Relieve the people of Bangla Desh
Bangla Desh, Bangla Desh
Such a great disaster - I don't understand
But it sure looks like a mess
I've never known such distress
Now please don't turn away, I want to hear you say
Relieve the people of Bangla Desh
Relieve Bangla Desh
Bangla Desh, Bangla Desh
Now it may seem so far from where we all are
It's something we can't neglect
It's something I can't neglect
Now won't you give some bread to get the starving fed
We've got to relieve Bangla Desh
Relieve the people of Bangla Desh
We've got to relieve Bangla Desh
Relieve the people of Bangla Desh
George Harrison
martes, 1 de septiembre de 2009
domingo, 30 de agosto de 2009
Las Tres Leyes Fundamentales de la Robótica
Primera Ley: Un robot no puede hacer daño a un ser humano o, por inacción, permitir que un ser humano sufra daño.
Segunda Ley: Un robot debe obedecer las órdenes dadas por los seres humanos, excepto cuando éstas entren en conflicto con la Primera Ley.
Tercera Ley: Un robot debe proteger su propia integridad, siempre y cuando esto no impida el cumplimiento de la Primera Ley y Segunda Ley.
Segunda Ley: Un robot debe obedecer las órdenes dadas por los seres humanos, excepto cuando éstas entren en conflicto con la Primera Ley.
Tercera Ley: Un robot debe proteger su propia integridad, siempre y cuando esto no impida el cumplimiento de la Primera Ley y Segunda Ley.
Isaac Asimov
lunes, 24 de agosto de 2009
When I get older losing my hair
Many years from now
Will you still be sending me a valentine
Birthday greetings bottle of wine
If I'd been out till quarter to three
Would you lock the door
Will you still need me
Will you still feed me
When I'm sixty-four
Many years from now
Will you still be sending me a valentine
Birthday greetings bottle of wine
If I'd been out till quarter to three
Would you lock the door
Will you still need me
Will you still feed me
When I'm sixty-four
When i'm sixty-four
Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
The Beatles
domingo, 23 de agosto de 2009
sábado, 22 de agosto de 2009
viernes, 21 de agosto de 2009
miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2009
Para los que les gusta mucho mucho Matrix
Los rumores aparecidos hace unos días han sido oficialmente confirmados: a pesar de las declaraciones de los hermanos Wachowski y de Joel Silver, habrá una nueva secuela de Matrix. Y la veremos mucho antes de lo que esperábamos. En una maniobra sin precedentes, esta cuarta entrega fue rodada en el más absoluto secreto casi al mismo tiempo que Matrix Reloaded y Matrix Revolutions. Se encuentra actualmente en fase de postproducción, y su estreno está previsto para la primavera de 2004. El título de la película será "The Matrix: Revealed", y parece ser que aclarará todos los interrogantes que quedaron pendientes en los filmes anteriores. Según un borrador del guión difundido a través de internet, la historia comienza un año después de la lucha contra los centinelas vistos en Matrix Revolutions. Durante las celebraciones del aniversario de aquella "victoria", Bratt, un joven de 14 años, muere repentinamente sin ninguna causa aparente. Su familia lo entierra en un rincón de Sion e, inexplicablemente despierta horas después rodeado de miles de cadáveres en una fosa común situada en algún lugar desconocido. A pesar de haber nacido libre, ahora el cuerpo de Bratt está cubierto de puertos de conexión. Matrix Revealed retoma todas las dudas sembradas en Matrix Reloaded (y obviadas en Matrix Revolutions) acerca de si el mundo real lo es realmente. La película nos muestra a través de los ojos del joven Bratt que, como se temía, el mundo de Sion es tan sólo otro nivel virtual de Matrix. No existen hombres "libres", apenas un puñado de personas que, al igual que Bratt, fueron desconectados por error cuando el sistema les dio por muertos. Esos pobres desgraciados viven en un mundo aún más terrible que el que Bratt conocía, sin haber oído hablar jamás de Neo, Trinity o Morfeo. Pero sí han descubierto los planes de las máquinas: éstas han comprendido por fin que la energía producida por los humanos no es rentable, que mantener vivos tantos cuerpos, cosecharlos y gestionar Matrix para controlarles, resulta demasiado costoso; por no hablar de lo inestables que son sus mentes. De modo que piensan sustituir esta fuente de energía por otra: la energía solar (recordemos que El Arquitecto dijo que estaban dispuestos a aceptar ciertos niveles de subsistencia). Por este motivo están instalando por todo el planeta enormes procesadores atmosféricos para limpiar los cielos y permitir que el sol vuelva a brillar. Para dar tiempo a esta limpieza y apaciguar mientras tanto a los humanos conectados, las máquinas introdujeron en el sistema diversos elementos virtuales para distraerles; elementos como el agente Smith, la supuesta lucha rebelde, Sion, la guerra contra los centinelas... Todo falso. Bratt trata de hacer algo para frustrar los planes de las máquinas, pero comprende que no tiene posibilidades de triunfo en el mundo real. Convencido de que sólo podrá lograr algo desde el interior del sistema, consigue conectarse de nuevo a Matrix y regresa a Sion. Allí contacta con dos de sus héroes, Morfeo y Niobe, para explicarles lo que realmente sucede. Los tres buscan entonces a Neo, que tras Revolutions ha vuelto a ser conectado a Matrix hasta que vuelva a necesitársele (por eso El Elegido siempre ha tenido el mismo aspecto: siempre es Neo). Cuando por fin le localizan, logran liberarle (tras las lógicas escenas de acción), y le ponen al corriente del plan. Neo asesina a Morfeo, Niobe y Bratt, descubriéndose así otra de las sorpresas de la historia: Neo no es humano; es tan sólo otro programa creado por Matrix para ganar tiempo, diseñado para liderar a los humanos en la dirección más adecuada para las máquinas. Opio para el pueblo. Las máquinas activan entonces los procesadores atmosféricos, y los cielos se despejan; los rayos del sol bañan las células solares y las baterías se cargan. En ese momento los humanos que están conectados por todo el planeta son desenchufados a la vez. En un instante desaparece una raza compuesta por millones de seres. Un irónico plano final nos muestra un hermoso cielo azul, como una burla del supuesto final feliz de Matrix Revolutions. Este sol (ahora real) es únicamente para las máquinas. ¿Sólo para las máquinas? En realidad no, ya que tras los títulos de crédito el filme aún tiene tiempo para otra sorpresa. Por si a alguien se le había ocurrido pensar que todo el tinglado de Matrix era demasiado retorcido para haber sido diseñado por una máquina, aquí está la respuesta: en realidad el mundo está regido por un puñado de hombres que lo controlan todo. En el plano final vemos que el hombre que ordena desconectar a los humanos, el hombre que asesina fríamente a millones de congéneres, es Carlos Menem, partiéndose el culo de risa porque te tragaste esta farsa hasta el final.
Fuente: http://www.psicofxp.com/forums/cine-tv-radio-y-espectaculos.67/197047-the-matrix-revealed-matrix-4-confirmado.html
Fuente: http://www.psicofxp.com/forums/cine-tv-radio-y-espectaculos.67/197047-the-matrix-revealed-matrix-4-confirmado.html
lunes, 17 de agosto de 2009
I want to break free
I want to break free
I want to break free from your lies
You're so self satisfied I don't need you
I've want to break free
God knows, God knows I want to break free
I've fallen in love
I've fallen in love for the first time
And this time I know it's for real
I've fallen in love, yeah
God knows, God knows I've fallen in love
It's strange but it's true
I can't get over the way you love me like you do
But I have to be sure
When I walk out that door
Oh how I want to be free, baby
Oh how I want to break free,
Oh how I want to break free
But life still goes on
I can't get used to, living without, living without,
Living without you by my side
I don't want to live alone, hey
God knows, got to make it on my own
So baby can't you see
God knows, gods know, gods know
I've want to break free
I want to break free from your lies
You're so self satisfied I don't need you
I've want to break free
God knows, God knows I want to break free
I've fallen in love
I've fallen in love for the first time
And this time I know it's for real
I've fallen in love, yeah
God knows, God knows I've fallen in love
It's strange but it's true
I can't get over the way you love me like you do
But I have to be sure
When I walk out that door
Oh how I want to be free, baby
Oh how I want to break free,
Oh how I want to break free
But life still goes on
I can't get used to, living without, living without,
Living without you by my side
I don't want to live alone, hey
God knows, got to make it on my own
So baby can't you see
God knows, gods know, gods know
I've want to break free
jueves, 9 de julio de 2009
Please Mister Postman
Wait, oh yes wait a minute mister postman
Wait, wait mister postman
Mister postman look and see
You got a letter in your bag for me
I been waiting such a long time
Since I heard from that girl of mine
There must be some word today
From my girlfriend so far away
Please mister postman look and see
If there's a letter, a letter for me
I been standing here waiting mister postman
So patiently
For just a card or just a letter
Saying she's returning home to me
So many days you passed me by
See the tear standing in my eye
You didn't stop to make me feel better
By leaving me a card or a letter
You gotta wait a minute, wait a minute
You gotta wait a minute, wait a minute
You gotta wait a minute, wait a minute
You gotta check it and see one more time for me
Deliver the letter, the sooner the better
Wait, wait mister postman
Mister postman look and see
You got a letter in your bag for me
I been waiting such a long time
Since I heard from that girl of mine
There must be some word today
From my girlfriend so far away
Please mister postman look and see
If there's a letter, a letter for me
I been standing here waiting mister postman
So patiently
For just a card or just a letter
Saying she's returning home to me
So many days you passed me by
See the tear standing in my eye
You didn't stop to make me feel better
By leaving me a card or a letter
You gotta wait a minute, wait a minute
You gotta wait a minute, wait a minute
You gotta wait a minute, wait a minute
You gotta check it and see one more time for me
Deliver the letter, the sooner the better
Please Mister Postman
With the Beatles
The Beatles
miércoles, 8 de julio de 2009
Ayer 7 de julio ¡cumpleaños de Ringo!
Feliz cumpleaños al mejor baterista, al más lindo (L).
You say it's your birthday
It's my birthday too--yeah
They say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to you.
Yes we're going to a party party
Yes we're going to a party party
Yes we're going to a party party.
I would like you to dance--Birthday
Take a cha-cha-cha-chance-Birthday
I would like you to dance--Birthday
You say it's your birthday
Well it's my birthday too--yeah
You say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to you.
It's my birthday too--yeah
They say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to you.
Yes we're going to a party party
Yes we're going to a party party
Yes we're going to a party party.
I would like you to dance--Birthday
Take a cha-cha-cha-chance-Birthday
I would like you to dance--Birthday
You say it's your birthday
Well it's my birthday too--yeah
You say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to you.
The White Album
The Beatles
For no one-The Beatles
Your day breaks, your mind aches
You find that all the words of kindness linger on
When she no longer needs you
She wakes up, she makes up
She takes her time and doesn't feel she has to hurry
She no longer needs you
And in her eyes you see nothing
No sign of love behind the tears cried for no one
A love that should have lasted years
You want her, you need her
And yet you don't believe her
When she said her love is dead, you think she needs you
And in her eyes you see nothing
No sign of love behind the tears cried for no one
A love that should have lasted years
You stay home, she goes out
She says that long ago she knew someone
But now he's gone she doesn't need him
Your day breaks, your mind aches
There will be time when all the things she said will fil your head
You won't forget her
And in her eyes you see nothing
No sign of love behind the tears cried for no one
A love that should have lasted years.
You find that all the words of kindness linger on
When she no longer needs you
She wakes up, she makes up
She takes her time and doesn't feel she has to hurry
She no longer needs you
And in her eyes you see nothing
No sign of love behind the tears cried for no one
A love that should have lasted years
You want her, you need her
And yet you don't believe her
When she said her love is dead, you think she needs you
And in her eyes you see nothing
No sign of love behind the tears cried for no one
A love that should have lasted years
You stay home, she goes out
She says that long ago she knew someone
But now he's gone she doesn't need him
Your day breaks, your mind aches
There will be time when all the things she said will fil your head
You won't forget her
And in her eyes you see nothing
No sign of love behind the tears cried for no one
A love that should have lasted years.
For no One
The Beatles
Golden Slumbers
Once there was a way to get back homeward
Once there was a way to get back home
Sleep pretty darling do not cry
And I will sing a lullabye
Golden slumbers fill your eyes
Smiles awake you when you rise
Sleep pretty darling do not cry
And I will sing a lullabye
Once there was a way to get back homeward
Once there was a way to get back home
Sleep pretty darling do not cry
And I will sing a lullabye.
Golden Slumbers
Abbey Road
The Beatles
domingo, 5 de julio de 2009
Act Naturally-The Beatles
They're gonna put me in the movies
They're gonna make a big star out of me
We'll make a film about a man that's sad and lonely
And all I gotta so is act naturally
Well, I'll bet you I'm gonna be a big star
Might win an Oscar you can never tell
The movies gonna make me a big star
'cos I can plat the part so well
Well I hope you come and see me in the movies
Then I know that you will plainly see
The biggest fool that ever hit the big time
And all I gotta do is act naturally
We'll make the scene about a man that's sad and lonely
And beggin down upon his bended knee
I'll play the part but I won't need rehearsal
All I gotta do is act naturally
Well, I'll bet you I'm gonna be a big star
Might win an Oscar you can never tell
The movies gonna make me a big star
'cos I can plat the part so well
Well I hope you come and see me in the movies
Then I know that you will plainly see
The biggest fool that ever hit the big time
And all I gotta do is act naturally.
They're gonna make a big star out of me
We'll make a film about a man that's sad and lonely
And all I gotta so is act naturally
Well, I'll bet you I'm gonna be a big star
Might win an Oscar you can never tell
The movies gonna make me a big star
'cos I can plat the part so well
Well I hope you come and see me in the movies
Then I know that you will plainly see
The biggest fool that ever hit the big time
And all I gotta do is act naturally
We'll make the scene about a man that's sad and lonely
And beggin down upon his bended knee
I'll play the part but I won't need rehearsal
All I gotta do is act naturally
Well, I'll bet you I'm gonna be a big star
Might win an Oscar you can never tell
The movies gonna make me a big star
'cos I can plat the part so well
Well I hope you come and see me in the movies
Then I know that you will plainly see
The biggest fool that ever hit the big time
And all I gotta do is act naturally.
Act Naturally
The Beatles
jueves, 2 de julio de 2009
Hey Jude-The Beatles
Hey Jude, don't make it bad
Take a sad song and make it better
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better
Hey Jude, don't be afraid
You were made to go out and get her
The minute you let her under your skin
Then you begin to make it better
And anytime you feel the pain
Hey Jude, refrain
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders
For well you know that it's a fool
Who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder
Hey Jude, don't let me down
You have found her, now go and get her
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better
So let it out and let it in
Hey Jude, begin
You're waiting for someone to perform with
And don't you know that it's just you
Hey Jude, you'll do
The movement you need is on your shoulder
Hey Jude, don't make it bad
Take a sad song and make it better
Remember to let her under your skin
Then you'll begin to make it better.
Hey Jude
The Beatles
miércoles, 1 de julio de 2009
I saw her standing there
Well, she was just seventeen,
and you know what I mean,
and the way she looked was way be beyond compare.
So how could I dance wiht another,
ooh, When I saw her standing there.
Well, she looked at me,
and I, I could see that before too long
I´d fall in love with her.
She wouldn´t dance with another, ooh,
When I saw her standing therer.
Well, my heart went boom,
When I crossed that room,
And I held her hand in mine.
Oh, we danced through the night,
And we held each other tight,
and before too long I fell in love with her.
Now I´ll never dance with another, ooh,
When I saw her standing there.
Who, ah-ha-ha.
Well, my heart went boom,
When I crossed that room,
And I held her hand in mine.
Oh, we danced through the night,
And we held each other tight,
And before too long I fell in love with here.
Now I´ll never dance with anothre, ooh,
Since I saw her standing there,
Oh, since I saw her standing there,
Yeh, well, since I saw her standing there.
I saw her standing there
Please Please Me
The Beatles
domingo, 28 de junio de 2009
Please Please Me- The Beatles
Last hight I said these words to my girl.
I know you never even try girl.
Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on,
please,please me oh, yeah, like I please you.
You don´t need me to show the way love.
Why do I always have to say love.
Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on,
please, please me oh , yeah, like I please you.
I don´t want to sound complaining but
you know there´s always rain in my heart.
I do all the pleasing with you it´s so hard to reason with you.
Oh, yeah, why do you make me blue.
Last nigh I said these words to my girl.
I know you never even try girl.
Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on,
please, please me oh, yeah, I please you.
Please Please Me
Please Please Me
The Beatles
miércoles, 24 de junio de 2009
Here Today- Paul McCartney. Dedicada a John
Canción escrita por Paul, en su disco Tug of War, dedicada a John Lennon, dos años después de su asesinato.
And if I say I really knew you well
What would your answer be.
If you were here today.
Ooh- ooh- ooh- here to - day.
Well knowing you,
Youd probably laugh and say that we were worlds apart.
If you were here today.
Ooh- ooh- ooh- here to - day.
But as for me,
I still remember how it was before.
And I am holding back the tears no more.
Ooh- ooh- ooh- I love you, ooh-
What about the time we met,
Well I suppose that you could say that we were playing hard to get.
Didnt understand a thing.
But we could always sing.
What about the night we cried,
Because there wasnt any reason left to keep it all inside.
Never understood a word.
But you were always there with a smile.
And if I say I really loved you
And was glad you came along.
If you were here today.
Ooh- ooh- ooh- for you were in my song.
Ooh- ooh- ooh- here to - day.
Y si dijera
Que te conozco bien
¿Cual sería tu respuesta?
Si estuvieras aquí ahora
Aquí ahora
Te conozco bien
Probablemente te reirías y dirías
Que éramos mundos apartes
Si estuvieras aquí ahora
Aquí ahora
En cuanto a mí
Aun recuerdo cómo todo se dio
Y estoy conteniendo las lágrimas, no más
Te amo.
¿Qué acerca del tiempo que nos conocimos?
Bien, supongo que podrías decir que tocábamos duro para conseguirlo
Nunca entendimos una sola cosa
Pero siempre pudimos cantar
¿Qué acerca de la noche que lloramos?
Porque no había ninguna razón para guardarlo todo dentro
Nunca entendimos una sola palabra
Pero siempre estuviste allí con una sonrisa
Y si dijera que realmente te amé
Y que me alegraba que te aparecieras por ahí
Y estuviste aquí ahora
Para ti estuvo mi canción
Aquí ahora.
"Mi canción llamada 'Here Today', es acerca de John. La canción dice, 'Si estuvieras aquí ahora probablemente dirías que lo que estoy haciendo es un berrinche, pero esa no sería la intención porque tu eres realmente como yo' lo sé.' Es como decir: 'Sal de detrás de tus lentes, John, y mírame, esa clase de cosas. Fue una especie de canción de amor, no para John, pero acerca de John y mi relación con él" Paul McCartney
Hello Goodbye-The Beatles
You say yes
I say no
You say stop
I say go go go
Oh ho
You say goodbye
And I say hello
Hello hello
I don't know why you say goodbye
I say hello
Hello, hello
I don't know why you say goodbye
I say hello
I say high
You say low
You say why
And I say I don't know
Oh no
You say goodbye
And I say hello
Hello, hello
I don't know why you say goodbye I say hello
Hello, hello
I don't know why you say goodbye
I say hello
Oh ho
You say goodbye
And I say hello
Hello, hello I don't know why you say goodbye I say hello
Hello, hello
I don't know why you say goodbye
I say hello
You say yes
I say no
You say stop
And I say go, go, go
Oh, oh no
You say goodbye
And I say hello
Hello, hello
I don't know why you say goodbye
I say hello
Hello hello
I don't know why you say goodbye
I say goodbye
Hello hello
I don't know why you say goodbye
I say hello
Hello Goodbye
Magical Mystery Tour
The beatles
If I fell-The Beatles
If i fell in love with you
Would you promise to be true
And help me understand
'cause i've been in love before
And i found that love was more
Than just holding hands
If i give my heart to you
I must be sure
From the very start
That you would love me more than her
If i trust in you oh please
Don't run and hide
If i love you too oh please
Don't hurt my pride like her
'cause i couldn't stand the pain
And i would be sad if our new love was in vain
So i hope you see that i
Would love to love you
And that she will cry
When she learns we are two
If i fell in love with you
lunes, 22 de junio de 2009
junio trae ese frío de muerte
y un mail depresivo
y toda esa desgana
junio roba la fiebre del guerrero
que arrojó su espada
y come bicmacs con total descaro
junio inventa un recuerdo infame
y una roja pasión
así deshojará su tristeza en árboles y libros
y en total quietud
tendría que ser yo
y no junio
y alguna esperanza...
domingo, 21 de junio de 2009
Crazy Little Thing Called Love- Queen
This thing called love, i just can't handle it
this thing called love, i must get 'round to it
but i ain't ready
crazy little thing called love
This thing called love
it cries in a cradle all night
it swings, it jives
it shakes all over like a jelly fish
i kinda like it
crazy little thing called love
There goes my baby
she knows how to rock and roll
she drives me crazy
she gives me hot and cold fever
then she leaves me in a cool, cool sweat
I gotta be cool, relax
get hip, get on my tracks
take a back seat, hitch-hike
and take a long ride on my motor bike
until i'm ready
crazy little thing called love
i gotta be cool relax
get hip and get on my tracks
take a back seat, and hitch-hike
and take a long ride on my motor bike
until i'm ready (ready)
crazy little thing called love
This thing called love, i just can't handle it
this thing called love, i must get 'round to it
i ain't ready
crazy little thing called love, yeah
crazy little thing called love,
crazy little thing called love,
crazy little thing called love.
miércoles, 17 de junio de 2009
Mi propia vida
Ahora que todo está tan mal y que el futuro no se ve
en un camino tan oscuro, ni soñando pararé
por una vez siento que hoy vamos unidos de verdad
en una cápsula que viaja a su propia velocidad.
Y si reimos está bien
(abandonemos la solemnidad)
si nos subimos a este tren,
(para reír y no para llorar)
El destino me espera ahí, pero se escapa de mi
nunca lo alcanzo
esta ruta no tiene fin, y en ella suena la voz
de mi descanso.
En las estrellas puedo ver diversas formas y ya sé
que el pasatiempo esta algo viejo, pero igual lo propondré
en el momento de viajar, aburrirse es muy normal
pero alguien siempre tiene un juego o algo tonto que contar.
Creo que ninguno sabe bien
(lo que la suerte nos deparará)
Creo que todos sienten que
(para reír hay que saber llorar)
El destino me espera ahí, pero se escapa de mi
nunca lo alcanzo
esta ruta no tiene fin, y en ella suena la voz
de mi descanso.
Si pudiera sentirte,
si pudiera escucharte yo me calmaría
debe ser la ansiedad que da
no ver donde acabará mi propia vida
Mi propia vida
descansaría entre el sonido y el silencio de mis dias
Voy al encuentro de mi futuro,
donde me indica que voy a tener alguno
El destino me espera ahí, pero se escapa de mi
nunca lo alcanzo
Esta ruta no tiene fin, y en ella suena la voz
de mi descanso
Si pudiera sentirte,
si pudiera escucharte yo me calmaría
debe ser la ansiedad que da
no ver donde acabará mi propia vida.
miércoles, 10 de junio de 2009
There's a place- The Beatles
There is a place,
Where I can go,
When I feel low,
When I feel blue.
And it's my mind,
And there's no time when I'm alone.
I think of you,
And things you do,
Go 'round my head,
The things you said,
Like "I love only you."
In my mind there's no sorrow,
Don't you know that it's so.
There'll be no sad tomorrow,
Don't you know that it's so.
There is a place,
Where I can go,
When I feel low,
When I feel blue.
And it's my mind,
And there's no time when I'm alone.
There's a place
miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2009
Defensa de la alegría
Defender la alegría como una trinchera
defenderla del escándalo y la rutina
de la miseria y los miserables
de las ausencias transitorias
y las definitivas
defender la alegría como un principio
defenderla del pasmo y las pesadillas
de los neutrales y de los neutrones
de las dulces infamias
y los graves diagnósticos
defender la alegría como una bandera
defenderla del rayo y la melancolía
de los ingenuos y de los canallas
de la retórica y los paros cardiacos
de las endemias y las academias
defender la alegría como un destino
defenderla del fuego y de los bomberos
de los suicidas y los homicidas
de las vacaciones y del agobio
de la obligación de estar alegres
defender la alegría como una certeza
defenderla del óxido y la roña
de la famosa pátina del tiempo
del relente y del oportunismo
de los proxenetas de la risa
defender la alegría como un derecho
defenderla de dios y del invierno
de las mayúsculas y de la muerte
de los apellidos y las lástimas
del azar
y también de la alegría
Mario Benedetti
sábado, 31 de enero de 2009
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